Founded in 1998 Element Plus is equipped with
+ Global perspectives enriched with multi-national and cross-culture project experience
+ Flexible team able to orient precisely towards client needs
+ Exceptional synthesizing capabilities to transform complexity into simple clear design
+ 全球化設計觀、跨語言及文化專案的設計團隊
+ 專注精準而兼容彈性
+ 化繁為簡的能力、研發清楚簡明的設計以有效溝通
Contact Us
10680 台北市安和路二段 129 號 2 樓
2F, #129, Sec. 2, An-Ho Road, Taipei 10680, Taiwan
Tel +886.(0)2.2377.0889
Fax +886.(0)2.2377.0561